Project Number: 2419-01
From milepost 2.95 to milepost 3.1
RATA Funds: $750,000
Legislative District: 12
Status: Construction
Date Approved: 2019
Salmon Creek Rd is an important minor collector road, providing access to ranches, rural homes, vast acres of public land, and is a secondary access to the town of Conconully. This road has an ADT of 497 with 8% trucks. No crashes have been reported within the short limits of this project in the past 5 years. Salmon Creek passes under the road in a roughly 10' wide by 6' tall box culvert. This culvert is not sufficient to pass spring runoff flows, and water is over the roadway for several days nearly every year. In addition to the inconvenience to the public, overtopping causes damage to the road and downstream shoulder. The width of the culvert also creates a fish passage issue in the opinion of WDFW.
We propose to replace the existing culvert with a larger structure capable of passing spring runoff flows and meeting WDFW requirements. This will require raising the road vertically, along with the associated work to tie the existing road into this new profile. The project scope will be limited to the drainage structure(s) and any roadway improvements necessary to accommodate the structure(s).