
Information Services Strategic Plan

Updated July 2024
Agency Strategic Goals


Agency Strategic Goals

Agency strategic goals are to Provide Innovative Solutions (Innovate), Optimize Resources for County Transportation Needs (Optimize), and Magnify CRAB Presence and Credibility (Magnify).



IT Strategic Goals


IT Strategic Goals

In support of these, IT strategic goals are Data Integration (innovate, optimize, and magnify), Organization Project Management (optimize), Legacy System Modernization (innovate, optimize), and Customer-first Experience (optimize, magnify).

The single words in parenthesis next to each IT strategy indicate which business strategy this is in response to. 



Organizational Project Management (OPM)

Organizational project management (OPM) is one of the IT strategies identified and looks at how all projects are managed from a higher level. It connects all projects across departments with your broader business goals.

OPM consists of three major components: Project Management (individual level), Program Management (goal level), and Portfolio Management (executive level).

OPM Stratagy


Through better defined project management practices and objective data for decision making, OPM has been proven successful in improving predicable outcomes on future projects, leads to higher customer satisfaction, and overall higher productivity.

The current IT portfolio includes seventeen projects in-progress, with another four approved and upcoming, and eight requests awaiting consideration.  Here is a quick summary of how these projects align with CRAB Agency/IT strategic goals.

IT Project by Strategic Goal