Whitman County Road Sunset

Laws and Rules

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This page contains CRAB current filings with the State Legislature and lists laws and rules that apply to this agency.

Current Filings

CRAB WACS currently under review for proposed changes are listed here. Click the links listed next to change record for more information.

  • WSR 24-11-149 - Amending WAC 136-165-020 to eliminate the 25% cap on the amount a county may request in the rural arterial program (RAP).  

The following laws and regulations pertaining to CRAB and Counties are listed below. The linked chapters will take you to the Office of the Code Reviser's web site for more

detailed information.

Chapter Title
RCW 36.78 Roads and Bridges - County Road Administration Board
RCW 36.79 Roads and Bridges - Rural Arterial Program
RCW 46.68.090 Distribution of Revenue
WACs - General Administration
Chapter Title
136-01 Organization and Operation of County Road Administration Board
136-02 Implementation of State environmental Policy Act for CRAB
136-03 Public Access to Information and Records
136-04 Annual Certification of Good Practice
WACs - Standards of Good Practice
Chapter Title
136-11 Maintenance Management
136-12 Vacancy in Position of County Road Engineer
136-14 Priority Programming Procedures
136-15 Procedures for Preparation of Six-Year Transportation Programs
136-16 Annual Road Program, Construction Report, and Construction by County Forces Limits
136-18 Construction by County Forces
136-20 Inspection of Bridges on County Roads
136-28 Cooperative Procedures for Processing of County Road Accident Reports
136-40 Accommodation of Utilities on County Road Right of Way
136-60 Maintenance of County Road Log
136-70 Pavement Management System Requirement for County Arterial Preservation Program Eligibility
136-50 Statutory relationship between county engineer and county legislative authority
136-25 Traffic Law Enforcement Expenditures
WACs - Rural Arterial Program
Chapter Title
136-100 Administration of the Rural Arterial Program
136-130 Regional Prioritization of RAP Projects
136-150 Eligibility for Rural Arterial Trust Account Funds
136-161 Project Submittal, Selection, and Initial Allocation of RATA Funds to Projects
136-163 Allocation of RATA Funds to Emergent and Emergency Projects
136-165 Increased Allocations of RATA Funds to Projects
136-167 Withdrawals, Early Termination, and Lapsing of Approved Projects
136-170 Execution of a CRAB/County Contract for a RAP Project
136-180 Processing of RAP Vouchers
136-210 Design Standards for Rural Arterial Projects
County Arterial Preservation Program
Chapter Title
136-300 Administration of the County Arterial Preservation Program
County Ferry Capital Improvement Program
Chapter Title
136-400 Administration of the County Ferry Capital Improvement Program
Emergency Loan Program
Chapter Title
136-500 Emergency Loan Program (ELP)
Equipment Rental & Revolving Fund
Chapter Title
136-600 Equipment Rental and Revolving Fund