Project Number: 0223-01
From milepost 19 to milepost 19.71
RATA Funds: $1,376,100
Legislative District: 9
Status: PE and Design
Date Approved: 2023
This is Unit A of the larger original project between 19.00 and 21.97 and is part of the County's commitment to complete the entire project within the next 10 years per the agreement with CRAB. The narrow gravel road with substandard vertical and horizontal alignment is the last section of Snake River Road without BST surfacing that access Heller Bar recreational area. The Asotin County BOCC has determined this is the top priority project within the county and is proposed to improve roadway geometrics, drainage, and widen the roadway to 26 feet, apply a BST surface, and install guardrail. Federal funding has already been secured as part of the overall project funding. PE is 90% complete and environmental is underway. PE cost is only that portion remaining to finish Environmental and PS&E's. Some environmental portions are complete. Project scheduled to go to bid in summer of 2023.