Project Number: 1474
From milepost 0.72 to milepost 0.76
RATA Funds: $612,000
Legislative District: 16
Date Approved: 2011
Touchet Gardena Road is a major collector and the main route into the southwest corner of the County and Oregon. The road serves a large agricultural area and is very important to the County as a farm to market road. It is also a Touchet School Bus route. Without the bridge there would be a 12 mile detour.

The road was narrow with a structurally deficient, posted bridge which was considered scour critical. Two fatalities near the bridge had also occurred in previous years

A two span concrete bridge was replaced with a single span bridge and the road widened. The town of Touchet and local residents are very appreciative as safety is improved, costs to move agricultural goods have decreased, and the new bridge is fully capable to bear the loads.