Cowlitz - Delameter Road

Project Number: 1765
From milepost 0.9 to milepost 1.54
RATA Funds: $1,000,000
Legislative District: 19
Date Approved: 2013
Delameter Road is the main collector connecting the Coal Creek, Eufaula Heights and West Longview communities with the City of Castle Rock. Several trucking companies use Delameter Road as a more direct route between Ocean Beach Highway (SR 4) to the west and I-5 to the east. Many other trucking companies use Delameter Road for timber hauling, rock hauling and farm-to-market purposes. Delameter Road provides access for recreational users into adjacent timberlands. Recreational uses attract drivers that are unfamiliar with the roadway, increasing the importance of adequate safety features on the roadway. Before the project, Delameter Road had narrow shoulders. Sight distance was poor at vertical curves. The project widened the roadway to meet rural major collector standards. Sight distance was improved to meet standards for the design speed of 45 mph, by improving substandard vertical curves.

Before the project, Delameter Road had narrow shoulders. Sight distance was poor at vertical curves. Culverts needed to be replaced to improved drainage and provide fish passage.

The project reconstructed and widened the roadway to meet rural major collector standards. Sight distance was improved to meet standards for the design speed of 45 mph, by improving the vertical alignment. Culverts were replaced to improved drainage. Two of these culverts now accommodate fish passage and include natural streambed through the culverts. One is a 14 foot span box culvert and the other is an 8 foot diameter steel pipe. The creek associated with one of these culverts was moved away from the road to accommodate road widening. Bank stabilization for this creek was accomplished with a bioengineering solution involving rootwads embedded in the bank and riparian plantings, which also improved habitat.