Project Number: 1243
From milepost 0.05 to milepost 0.56
RATA Funds: $2,520,000
Legislative District: 12
Date Approved: 2007
North Road is a rural major collector that is used by residents, tourists, and recreationalists. Agriculture from surrounding areas also has a large impact on the condition of the road. The City of Leavenworth recently built an Amtrak Station that has needed a safe and viable route for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists to its facility.

Due to these impacts, the road exhibited a number of deficiencies. The road was narrow and suffered pavement deterioration. The vertical clearance at the railroad bridge was a meager 13-feet and there was no safe route for pedestrians and bicyclists to pass under the railroad bridge due to poor sight distance.

A culvert located at Chumstick Creek was considered a partial fish passage barrier to listed endangered and threatened species. This required additonal efforts to maintain adequate fish passage.

Residents have noted a positive enhancement to the area as a result of the improvements. The City of Leavenworth has also stated that road project greatly improved access to their new station. Bicyclists and pedestrians are finding easier passage along the route.