Welcome to our new Resource Library!
We are excited to share a new, centralized resource center of our reports, studies, documents and more. Please reach out to us at admin@crab.wa.gov with any questions or to request additional library content.
Resource Library
We appreciate your patience while we are under construction!
Our Resources
2024 Grant Effectiveness Study - Conducted by BERK, the study asses the effectiveness of CRAB's grant programs and identify the need for any additional funding and/or statutory changes.
Partner Resources
Counties 101: Transportation Video - a brief video overviewing the current state of and challenges for Washington's transportation system
2020 County Transportation Revenue Study - Conducted by BERK on behalf of the Washington State Association of Counties, the study identifies structural funding concerns for the county transportation system.
Washington County Profiles - compiled information from MRSC on population size and links to the county website, county codes, budget, comprehensive plan, and county officials for all 39 counties
Revenue Guide for Washington Counties - information from MRSC on all the major revenue sources and most of the minor ones that are available to counties in Washington State
Infrastructure & Public Facilities - MRSC resources on capital planning, special taxing and assessment districts, public facility financing options, rights-of-way, permits and more.
Advanced Transportation Technology Report - a 2024 Washington State Transportation Commission study on assessing approaches to increasing safety and compliance of high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, express toll lanes (ETLs), tolled facilities, and construction zones, facilitated by advanced technologies.
Our Partner Agencies
The 39 Counties of WA State | Individual Contact Information
WSACE | Washington State Association of County Engineers
WSAC | Washington State Assocation of Counties
TIB | Transportation Improvement Board
FMSIB | Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board
MRSC | Municipal Research and Services Center
FLAP | Federal Lands Access Program