Engineering Resources

Engineering Resource Library

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Current List of County Engineers    Calendar of Due Dates


New County Engineer Resources

The laws of the state of Washington provide for the employment of a county engineer in each county. The county legislative authority of each county shall employ a county road engineer on either a full-time or part-time basis, or by contracting with another county for the engineering services of a county road engineer (WAC 136-12-010 ).

"So, you've just accepted a position with a county to perform the duties of the County Engineer? During the interview process, you were able to demonstrate that you were the most qualified individual for the job, knowing that you possessed the necessary skills and required licenses to perform the duties of your new job. The Board of County Commissioners or the County Executive has offered you the opportunity to serve the citizens of the county and you have accepted the proposal."

What's next? See "Intro to County Engineering in Washington" published by the Washington State County Road Administration Board.

CFCIP Resources

Administration of the County Ferry Capital Improvement Program is contained in WAC 136-400.

Summary information is also available through the CFCIP Project Application Guidance document.

See the 2015 County Ferry Report for more information about the four county ferry systems.

MVFT Resources

A valuable reference tool is WSDOT's Transportation Manual (State Taxes and Fees). Click here to view the manual, page 45 contains Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax information. State Taxes and Fees Revenue forecast links on the OFM website: