Announcing the 2024 Project Manager of the Year Award

Larry Brewer

We are pleased to announce Larry Brewer of Snohomish County has been named the 2024 Program Manager of the Year.

Since 2013, the agency has presented a Project/Program Manager of the Year Award to recognize outstanding performance, public service, and contributions toward the programs and projects that make a difference in our communities across the state. 

Mr. Brewer was nominated for Snohomish County’s Index-Galena Road, which was considered a total loss when flooding damaged significant portions of pavement, roadbed and culverts in November 2006. 


Index-Galena Road is an important historic route to the upper North Fork Skykomish River area, providing local access and linking Snohomish County to the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest and Wild Sky Wilderness area. The nearby town of Index relies on recreation for the local economy and is a popular destination in the North Cases Mountains off of US Highway 2. 

The damage to Index-Galena Road cut off access to residents, emergency services, recreational users, and US Forest Service personnel. Access to the area required a 40-mile detour through a mountain pass along a gravel road that closed every winter due to snow. During busy summer months, the longer route increases travel time for emergency service providers and county road crews tasked with maintaining the roadway. 

“The project had many challenges from debris removal, clearing and elevating part of the road, to mitigation efforts and construction work near a river and through protected lands,” Snohomish County Public Works Director Kelly Snyder said. “Larry led the team that worked with more than a dozen federal and state agencies, elected officials, tribal representatives, funding partners and environmental organizations to ensure the project would meet all requirements and have minimal impacts to the natural surroundings. This project is a shared success, but also a wonderful testament to Larry, a humble and dedicated public servant, and his determination to complete this essential project.”

Larry Brewer


After the washout, Snohomish County Public Works dedicated 17 years to design a project to reestablish the road outside the floodway of the river, secure multiple funding sources including our Rural Arterial Program, engage with stakeholders, and coordinate with several regulatory agencies to permit the project work. 

"As project manager for Index-Galena, [Mr. Brewer] spent 10 years leading the design and planning stages and coordinating with multiple state and federal agencies. He had to overcome many challenges to design and reroute a new road alignment outside the 100-year floodplain along a scenic river and through US Forest Service land – adjacent to the Wild Sky Wilderness" said Snohomish County Engineer Doug McCormick during the presentation. "Thank you, Larry, for your 25 years of hard work and dedication, and for helping deliver projects that safely transport residents and give us all new roads to explore."



Larry Brewer

The award was presented during the Snohomish County Commissioners Meeting in Everett, WA. Nominations for the award were accepted across the state from county commissioners, councilmembers, public works directors and county engineers for projects completed in 2023.

Please join me in congratulating Larry!

Drew Woods

Drew Woods
Deputy Director