Project Number: 1019-03
From milepost 5.32 to milepost 9.71
RATA Funds: $1,813,500
Legislative District: 7
Status: PE and Design
Date Approved: 2019
Trout Creek Road provides the only access to a large concentration of residents, a portion of the Colville National Forest, and several farms. The route provides access for residential, agricultural use, and serves as an alternate route from the town of Republic to the West Curlew Lake Road.
Deficiencies include: areas with significant longitudinal and transverse cracking, base failures, unstable back-slopes, poor drainage, and variable width road bed.
This project will consist of all work relating to the rehabilitation of 4.39 miles of roadway, to include, repair or replacement of dranage facilities, in place asphalt recycling, roadway widening as needed, haul and place crushed surfacing and base as needed, cement treated base, slope stabilization, HMA paving, guardrail and other safety features as needed.