Project Number: 0823-01
From milepost 11.76 to milepost 11.84
RATA Funds: $500,000
Legislative District: 20
Status: PE and Design
Date Approved: 2023
Rose Valley Road is a collector connecting the City Kelso with rural areas to the east, and is a haul route for commercial timberlands. The existing culvert at milepost 11.80 consists of two 24-inch diameter pipes (one concrete main culvert and one CMP overflow), and carries an unnamed tributary of the Coweeman River. The area upstream of the culvert has been recently logged which creates increased stream flow. These larger flows bring rocks and gravel down the stream and plug the concrete culvert. The inlet of the metal overflow culvert was damaged in the 2015 flood.
The existing culvert pipes will be replaced with a single new culvert with sufficient capacity for the 100-year storm, and may need to be designed to meet fish passage requirements.