Project Number: 1819-01
From milepost 2.703 to milepost 3.21
RATA Funds: $2,142,000
Legislative District: 35
Status: PE and Design
Date Approved: 2019
Glenwood Road SW is a rural collector road (07) forming a vital connection between the City of Port Orchard and Pierce County. The road is also used as a connection between SR 3, Pierce County and southeast Kitsap County. The primary deficiencies of the proposed project segment are the lack of adequate shoulders and the presence of numerous clear zone hazards.
The proposed improvements will involve installing storm water conveyance, constructing paved shoulders and mitigating clear zone hazards to the maximum extent possible. A detailed traffic study will be performed early in the design process to analyze accidents and develop mitigation strategies.
While pavement conditions appear fair to good, there are areas of distressed pavement that will have to be analyzed and addressed as part of this project.