Project Number: 3921-01
From milepost 5.17 to milepost 6.36
RATA Funds: $2,439,000
Legislative District: 13
Status: PE and Design
Date Approved: 2021
N. Wenas Road (Foster Lane to Sheep Company Road) is a class 07 “Rural Major Collector” that connects the rural farms and residences of the Wenas area to the City of Selah. Currently, this section of roadway is considered substandard for its class. This section of roadway has narrow lanes with limited to no shoulders and the intersection of N. Wenas Road and Sheep Company Road has limited turn radiuses, overly steep embankments and lacks guard railing or control zones. Yakima County is proposing reconstruction of approximately 1.2 miles of 2 lane roadway it a county "rural collector" standards, widen the existing roadway to 12' lanes with 8' shoulder, improve existing vertical and horizontal alignments and intersection sight corners, upgrade the traffic control devices, expand and improve roadside slopes and catch angles, setback fixed objects from the edge of right-of-way and install and or replace guard railing were necessary.