Project Number: 0922-01
From milepost 1.64 to milepost 2.78
RATA Funds: $2,653,200
Legislative District: 12
Status: PE and Design
Date Approved: 2022
McNeil Canyon Road is a rural, major collector that provides a regionally significant connection between local farming communities on the Douglas County Plateau and agricultural, residential, and recreational communities along the Columbia River. Since the roadway's reconstruction in 2008, increased truck traffic along this corridor has resulted in several ‘severe injury’ accidents and one fatality. This section of roadway is characterized by a maximum 12% grade, poor site distance, and compound curves with short radii.
This project will re-route a section of McNeil Canyon Road toward the north to eliminate the existing compound curves. The new segment will create a much safer roadway with appropriate site distance, the elimination of dangerous curves, and a reduced profile grade to 9.5%. Douglas County proposes the placement of 8 inches of crushed surfacing base course, 4 inches of crushed surfacing top course, and 3 inches of hot mix asphalt with a surface width of 30 feet. Vertical and horizontal alignments will be redesigned to meet AASHTO standards for a 50 mph paved, rural roadway. Guardrail will be installed where appropriate.