Project Number: 0523-01
From milepost 0.87 to milepost 2.38
RATA Funds: $1,072,900
Legislative District: 24
Status: PE and Design
Date Approved: 2023
Edgewood Drive #93110 - From the vicinity of Rife Road to Reddick Road. Edgewood Drive is a primary East-West route on the western limits of Port Angeles serving as the only alternate route to US101 in the area. The Route is heavily used. Improving this portion of Edgewood Drive will compliment the ongoing and planned improvements to Dry Creek Road and Laird Road, which both connect directly with Edgewood. Primary work will be to 1) Widen the road from existing width of 28 feet to at least 34 feet. 2) Straighten horizontal alignment somewhat to remove some undesirable curvature in the road. 3) Add turn lane(s) at Lower Elwha Road and Dry Creek Road as necessary. The improvements planned will provide for a safer driving corridor for the growing western Port Angeles Vicinity.