Snohomish - Richardson Creek Bridge #300

Project Number: 3123-01
From milepost 0.66 to milepost 0.661
RATA Funds: $1,420,100
Legislative District: 39
Status: PE and Design
Date Approved: 2023
This bridge replacement project is needed due to the current bridge being functionally obsolete, too narrow, and not sufficient to support the traffic volumes in the area. The existing ADT is approximately 6,900 with 12% truck traffic.

The existing 18' short span bridge was built in 1961 and is located just northeast of the Monroe city limits on Woods Creek Road. It is very narrow (22.8' curb-to-curb) and does not have facilities for people walking or biking. It has a sufficiency rating of 58 per the June 2021 inspection report.

The new structure will span approximately 30' and provide bicycle and pedestrian facilities; the extended length will remove bridge supports from flood waters. The project is at nearly 90% PE and the PE phase was federally funded. A NEPA CE form and a no effect letter have been submitted to WSDOT and comments received from WSDOT are being incorporated into the 90% plans. Section 106 has been started; a draft Cultural Resources Report has been submitted to WSDOT and the tribes were out for a site visit in 2021 for comments.