Grant - 9-NW Road (SR 283 to Dodson Rd

Project Number: 1322-01
From milepost 5.84 to milepost 10.06
RATA Funds: $2,103,000
Legislative District: 13
Status: Construction
Date Approved: 2022
Road 9-NW is a rural minor collector that runs east-west from Dodson road to State Route 283 and carries considerable Ag and livestock traffic. This road carries a high percentage of truck traffic and can be subject to seasonal weight restrictions. This project will resurface the road with a new Class A BST, add crushed surfacing to improve the load carry capacity and widen the pavement from 22 feet to 34 feet. Project work will include rotomilling, roadway excavation, embankment, crushed surfacing base and top course, BST surfacing, drainage and permanent signing. Clear zone, side slopes and the roadside environment will be evaluated for hazard removal/mitigation.
Slope flattening and/or guardrail, Structure and Obstruction removal and beveled approach pipes will be installed per the Design Clear Zone Inventory.