Adams - Lind Hatton Rd. Project #3

Project Number: 0119-02
From milepost 3.71 to milepost 7.33
RATA Funds: $2,808,060
Legislative District: 9
Status: Construction
Date Approved: 2019
The Lind-Hatton Rd is a major collector linking the southwestern and central portion of Adams County. This is the only direct through-route north to the town of Lind or state route 21 in this area. The road is a major haul route for a chicken egg farm located at the start of the project. It is a haul route for wheat, potatoes, and other crops to market or storage. The trucks have difficulty negotiating the road because it is narrow and the pavement structure is starting to fail.
1. The recent ADT's show a volume of 97vehicles, with 49% representing truck traffic.
2. The current lane width is 10 foot with minimal gravel and native material shoulders that have eroded in places.
3. The lack of adequate structural base material, narrow roadway, and unprotected slope compromise safety.
The project consists of reconstructing the roadway prism to 30' width, modifying side slopes, adding guardrail, building a sufficient base for truck traffic, and bituminous surfacing. Currently this road is not all-weather. The horizontal and vertical alignments will require minor realignment minimally to meet design standards and provide a safe and smoother ride, improved drainage ditches. All drainage facilities will be replaced.