Project Number: 3619-01
From milepost 4.23 to milepost 6.25
RATA Funds: $2,554,000
Legislative District: 16
Status: PE and Design
Date Approved: 2019
This is one of two roads that provide access to Lyons Ferry Marina and Lyons Ferry State Park from Walla Walla. It is a major grain hauling route to Hwy 12 from the central part of the County. It is one of the more heavily used road by bicyclists. There have been fatalities on this road within the project area over the years. It has substandard horizontal and vertical curves with poor sight distance. Guardrail is substandard. Culverts are two short with object markers present. Several of the utility poles and a couple trees are located within the clear zone. Steep cut and fill slopes exist along much of the project with cut banks and farming activities sloughing dirt onto adjacent gravel shoulders which result in soft shoulders in the winter time. 39% of the road will be realigned to meet current design standards. Substandard guardrail will be upgraded to current standards. Cut and fill slopes will be flattened and clear zone provided. Shoulders will be paved and delineation provided.