Okanogan - Old 97 Plata to Ophir 3R

Project Number: 2423-02
From milepost 5.35 to milepost 6.85
RATA Funds: $2,281,000
Legislative District: 12
Status: PE and Design
Date Approved: 2023
This project was chosen as a 3R RAP project due to structural deficiencies and insufficient paved width. Old 97 is a secondary route connecting Brewster with Okanogan, and in subject to weight restrictions every spring as the subgrade thaws. This segment and one more adjacent segment to the north will complete the upgrade of the entire 20-mile road. Old 97 is an important farm to marked route, serving many orchards and agricultural uses. The current ADT is 1,245 with 21% trucks.

Proposed improvements include widening, grading, drainage, full depth reclamation or ballast and top course, and HMA. Guardrail warrants will be evaluated.