Project Number: 1201
From milepost 3.2 to milepost 5.75
RATA Funds: $783,000
Legislative District: 9
Date Approved: 2006
The Danekas Road Project #1 is located 3.2 miles northeast of Ritzville, WA. Improvements involved grinding the existing pavement, replacing the base material with crushed surfacing, widening the shoulders, modifying side slopes, and surfacing with asphalt. Drainage facilities were replaced as well. The vertical alignment required minor changes to restore smoothness. The roadway was widened from 22 feet to 30 feet paved width. Adams County choose build the project in 5 phases as follows: 1; County Forces - traffic control and grinding of existing pavement, 2; Competitive Bid - Awarded to Halme Construction, Inc., to do roadway excavation & embankment work, drainage, and replacement of culverts, 3; County Forces – hauled, placed and compacted crushed surfacing material, 4; Competitive Bid - Awarded to Central Washington Asphalt of Moses Lake, who constructed the 3’ asphalt pavement, 5; County Forces - Hydro seeding the disturbed areas.
The County Forces crushed surfacing work was very beneficial to the project, allowing the county to control placement and compaction of this intermediate phase, which in turn reduced scheduled time that the roadway was closed to the traveling public. Project work began in May of 2010 and all phases of construction were completed by November of 2010.