Stevens - Arden Bridge Emergency Replacement

Project Number: 1557
From milepost 1.69 to milepost 1.71
RATA Funds: $650,000
Legislative District: 7
Date Approved: 2011
The nearly 100 year old Arden Bridge has been a mainstay in the community that has provided quick access for north and south traffic to farms, markets and neighbors. It has been utilized over the years as a short cut to US 20 and vice versa as well.

During the spring runoff the center pier was scoured to a point that the bridge had to be closed to all traffic. After looking at various options it was determined the most cost effective was to replace the 100 year structure.

The existing bridge was removed and replaced with a single span pre-stressed concrete structure that was wider and had a sidewalk, separated from the travel way via jersey rail on the east side of the bridge. Feedback from the public has been very positive with many commenting that the wider bridge is much more accessible and the sidewalk very user friendly.