Douglas - Coulee Meadows/Moses Coulee Road

Project Number: 1818
From milepost 4 to milepost 7.44
RATA Funds: $2,322,900
Legislative District: 12
Date Approved: 2013
The roadway is designated as a major collector and provides a regionally important connection between farm areas on the Columbia Plateau and agricultural transportation and storage facilities along the Columbia River. Use by heavy agricultural vehicles has caused recent road closures due to freeze thaw conditions and accelerated deterioration of the asphalt surface.

Reconstruction of this section of roadway provided structural and long term benefits to the users of this important regional transportation system by improving agricultural farm-to-market travel conditions and improving traveler convenience safety, and reducing roadway maintenance costs.

Reconstruction of this road replaced the failing surface with 2.5” of HMA over 12” of crushed surfacing, The road was widened 24’ to 28’, clear zone obstructions were removed and side slopes were flattened to meet recovery requirements. The project also improved the drainage system. This project completed a 12 mile segment of roadway from State Route# 2 to the Grant County Line and connect two RAP projects completed in the last four years.