Douglas - Douglas North Road

Project Number: 1968
From milepost 2.91 to milepost 6.37
RATA Funds: $1,081,800
Legislative District: 12
Date Approved: 2015
Douglas North Road is an important north-south, farm-to-market route, northeast of Waterville, Washington.

Repetitive seasonal heavy loading from wheat-hauling trucks had deformed and degraded the pavement to the point of failure. Repair and maintenance costs had escalated since the road was not built to support the loading. Insufficient drainage features made conditions worse.

Finally, the improvement section competed well enough to gain an award of RAP funding from the CRABoard. These funds enabled county crews to install a structural fill and thereby raise the road's profile out of the moist soils. The raised profile also allowed for larger drainage structures. The county is confident this now is one of their best-constructed sections of rural arterial road, and looks forward to a long and low cost service life on Douglas North Road.